
Ban PFAS Global Campaign

Global Plastic Policy

Global Plastic Policy

Set Limits of Hydrogen Cyanide Emissions

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#RefusePlastics #LifeStyleChange

Want to be part of #RefusePlastics #ClimateAction ? What #LifeStyleChange have you made ? Fill form and let s know.

Guinness World Record for Recycling Markers

Dec 12 2018 - Guinness World Record (GWR) campaign for recycling markers was initiated and organized by Madhvi as part of her "Every School A Green School" campaign & kicked off in Dec 2018 by the then Superintendent of Jeffco Public Schools Dr. Jason Glass. Dec 3 2021 - Attempted the GWR and kicked off by State Rep.Lisa Cutter at North Arvada Middle School Jan 2023 - GWR awarded

STOP Distribution Warehouses in Radioactive sites

A Gigantic 500,000 sq ft Distribution Center is planned in McIntyre Pkwy - Residential Neighborhood - Very close to schools/daycares/senior centers - Residual radioactive contaminated site - school bus routes and truck routes are the same - Truck traffic increase to 3000 trips per day - High NOx, Noise, air, water, soil, light pollution - can spread Radioactive dust